05947-278316 ctcollege_kashipur@rediffmail.com
Chandrawati Tiwari Girls P.G. College has a well equipped library with a total of 16648 books. It has different sections for books of various subjects. Apart from books the library contains Dictionaries and Journals as well. The library also caters to the need of students for preparation of various competitive exams such as N.E.T. , G.A.T.E. , P.C.S. , B.Ed. etc. The Library Department ensures proper disbursement of books through issue registers as per the need of students. Different issue registers are maintained for staff & students to facilitate maximum advantages to both. Damaged books are repaired time to time. However as per the demand of time our library is gradually undergoing the process of digitization with incorporation of KOHA software. The purpose of the effort is to upgrade the library management system to provide best reading facility to both students & faculty.
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Designation |
1. | Dr. Mahesh Chandra Belwal | Asstt. Librarian |
2. | Mr. Roshan Chandra Chaudhary | Library Assistant |
3 | Mr. Deepak Joshi | Library Assistant |
© 2022 Chandrawati Tiwari Girls P.G. College